The Ghost of Barings Haunts Société Générale, and So Do Its Weaknesses
Something has gone fantastically awry in the risk management and oversight of some of the world’s most renowned investment bankers and financial institutions. The shortcomings in their controls and governance systems that permitted multi-billion dollar losses at Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, UBS and Swiss Re, and the overall failure of top management and boards to comprehend the risks of the subprime related investment vehicles they were packaging and selling, has been a recurring theme at Finlay ON Governance in recent months. We were taken aback, as we noted last week, when new Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain told the Wall Street Journal “Merrill had a risk committee. It just didn’t function.”
But nothing has been as breathtaking as the loss of more than $7 billion by Société Générale, apparently the result of a rogue trader acting on his own. (more…)