Easter is a time that brings with it the miracle of spring and the re-birth of the land and the trees, the return of the songbirds and the reappearance of the tulips and spring blossoms. For Christians, it marks a celebration of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and of the lessons he taught his flock about peace, understanding, love and kindness towards others, and, especially, toward the least fortunate.
Whatever one’s faith, whether of the other great religions or simply of a private belief in the indomitable spirit of the individual, it is a time to reflect upon the values that are indispensable to a well-lived life, as well as a time to witness and be a part of the renewal of our planet. Whether through the teachings of our Prophets or Savior, or by the insistent call of our own conscience, we are reminded of our duty to find ways of bringing comfort to the afflicted and hope to the oppressed. It is a task that is even more keenly felt in a period that has seen so much suffering in economically torn communities and in far off lands that face starvation and terrible conflict.
We all have a place in the mystery and in the miracle that marks this time of year.